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JWTClaimsSetWriter | Apache Oltu - OAuth 2.0
public final class


extends CustomizableEntityWriter<CE extends CustomizableEntity>
   ↳ org.apache.oltu.commons.json.CustomizableEntityWriter<CE extends org.apache.oltu.commons.json.CustomizableEntity>


String ALGORITHM The alg JWT Header key.
String AUDIENCE The aud JWT Claims Set key.
String CONTENT_TYPE The cty JWT Header key.
String EXPIRATION_TIME The exp JWT Claims Set key.
String ISSUED_AT The iat JWT Claims Set key.
String ISSUER The iss JWT Claims Set key.
String JWT_ID The jti JWT Claims Set key.
String NOT_BEFORE The nbf JWT Claims Set key.
String SUBJECT The sub JWT Claims Set key.
String TYPE The typ JWT Header key.
Public Constructors
Protected Methods
void handleProperties(ClaimsSet claimsSet)
Inherited Methods
From class org.apache.oltu.commons.json.CustomizableEntityWriter
From class java.lang.Object


public static final String ALGORITHM

The alg JWT Header key.

Constant Value: "alg"

public static final String AUDIENCE

The aud JWT Claims Set key.

Constant Value: "aud"

public static final String CONTENT_TYPE

The cty JWT Header key.

Constant Value: "cty"

public static final String EXPIRATION_TIME

The exp JWT Claims Set key.

Constant Value: "exp"

public static final String ISSUED_AT

The iat JWT Claims Set key.

Constant Value: "iat"

public static final String ISSUER

The iss JWT Claims Set key.

Constant Value: "iss"

public static final String JWT_ID

The jti JWT Claims Set key.

Constant Value: "jti"

public static final String NOT_BEFORE

The nbf JWT Claims Set key.

Constant Value: "nbf"

public static final String SUBJECT

The sub JWT Claims Set key.

Constant Value: "sub"

public static final String TYPE

The typ JWT Header key.

Constant Value: "typ"

Public Constructors

public JWTClaimsSetWriter ()

Protected Methods

protected void handleProperties (ClaimsSet claimsSet)